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Who Asked Jesus How to Be Born Again

Throughout his ministry, Jesus often butted heads with the stubborn and legalistic Pharisees. His message, which stood in direct opposition to their ability and principles, centered around a spiritual transformation of the heart, non a fastidious adherence to the law.

To experience salvation and truly see the kingdom of God at piece of work in one's life, Jesus taught that nosotros must cast aside the onetime, sinful life to become new creations—transformed, renewed, and reformed by the God'due south grace, not personal works.

Jesus would later say that nosotros must be "born again."

This idea of being "built-in again" (one of the about powerful and prevalent themes in the Christian faith) actually emerged from a conversation with a Pharisee. In John three, Nicodemus—a Pharisee and member of the Jewish ruling council—came to Jesus at night with a seeker's heart and a question regarding the deeper meaning of conservancy.

Jesus' reply would not only change his life; it would alter the lives of time to come Christians and agreeing seekers forever.

Who was Nicodemus in the Bible?

Nicodemus, a proper name in Greek which means, "victory of the people," was a member of the Sanhedrin, a regional body of religious leaders and Jewish scholars charged with treatment matters of Jewish law and religion. As a fellow member of this body, Nicodemus would have been a well-educated, privileged, and influential man, responsible for knowing about whatsoever teacher or public figure who might atomic number 82 the people astray.

One dark, Nicodemus came to Jesus in private to inquire almost things he had heard and seen. Some believe that he came equally a spy for the Sanhedrin, looking to observe the nature of Jesus' ministry building or trap him in an respond that could be used against him in the courts. While this couldprovide an caption for Nicodemus's motivations, there is not enough evidence in the text to support this theory.

As a previously published article explains, the fact that he came to Jesus in private, rather than challenging him publicly, as other Pharisees had oft done, might reveal more nearly his heart and possible motivation.

Everything we know about Nicodemus comes from John's gospel. What we read in John 3 is that Nicodemus came to Jesus, starting the conversation with a statement, not a question:

"Rabbi, we know that You have come from God equally a instructor, for no one tin exercise these signs that You do unless God is with him."(John 3:ii)

Nicodemus, at the very least, was different than nearly Pharisees in that he best-selling Jesus' authority and divine wisdom from the commencement. He may non have been an outright laic or follower of Jesus (at the fourth dimension), but he could not argue against what he had seen and heard.

Every bit Matthew Henry writes in his Commentary on the Whole Bible, "his (Jesus') miracles were his credentials."

Nicodemus had witnessed the miracles of Jesus and heard his teachings. Now he sought answers and came when he knew he could speak to Jesus one-on-ane.

road sign pointing to old life and new life

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/BrianAJackson

What Did Nicodemus Ask Jesus and Why?

To Nicodemus' initial statement, Jesus responded, "truly, truly, I say to you, unless 1 is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:ii).

This response clearly befuddled the inquisitive Pharisee, who quickly asked, "how tin can a man be built-in when he is one-time? He cannot enter a second time into his mother'southward womb and exist born, can he?"(John 3:four)

Nicodemus would enquire a very logical question to clarify a very spiritual truth.

In his mind, it didn't make sense how a person could be born a second time or how ane would return to their female parent's womb to do so. In purely physical terms, he was right. Information technology isn't possible. But the mysteries of God and the wonders of His kingdom are non ever apparent or understood in purely literal or physical terms.

In fact, to the earthly heed, the wonders of God oft seem like foolishness. Nicodemus would soon discover that being "built-in again" has nix to do with physical rebirth.

Matthew Henry writes, that "such is the nature of the kingdom of God (in which Nicodemus desired to be instructed) that the soul must be re-modelled and moulded, the natural human must become a spiritual man, before he is capable of receiving and agreement them."

Even prior to Jesus, Scripture spoke of the depth and mysteries of the Creator:

  • "Telephone call to me and I will answer yous, and will tell you neat and hidden things that y'all have non known."(Jeremiah 33:3)
  • "It is the glory of God to conceal things, only the celebrity of kings is to search things out."(Proverbs 25:two)
  • "Tin you find out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limit of the Almighty? Information technology is higher than the heaven – what can you exercise? Deeper than Sheol – what can you know? Its measure is longer than the globe and broader than the bounding main."(Job xi:7-9)

God, in His infinite ability and divine wisdom, is ofttimes shrouded in mystery beyond the scope of homo understanding. This does not mean that He cannot be known or has intentionally hidden himself from the world. To understand the divine nature of God, however, we must seek out divine wisdom and allow ourselves to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds." (Romans 12:2)

In his conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus said that, "unless i is built-in of h2o and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is built-in of the flesh is flesh, and what which is built-in of the Spirit is spirit."(John 3:5-6)

Nicodemus' disability to understand what Jesus meant demonstrated Jesus' bespeak perfectly.

Built-in of mankind, the human mind cannot grasp the mysteries of the kingdom of God or understand the fullness of God. This level of understanding can just come up from a spiritual transformation and re-forging of a heed that is made new or "born again" through Christ.

This is why the Pharisees oftentimes struggled to sympathise or accept the message and ministry of Jesus. They were too entrenched in their ways and reliant on their political power and influence to accept whatever kind of spiritual transformation or philosophical surrender.

They were the religious elite and thrived on the public's perception of them existence the ultimate intellectual authority in spiritual matters. But earthly influence and political status are irrelevant in the kingdom of God.

"To be built-in again is to be built-in of the Spirit" (Matthew Henry). This was something the Pharisees merely could not fathom.

What Does Nicodemus Demonstrate about Organized religion?

Nicodemus, still, came curious and eager to acquire more about Jesus' teachings. His heart had been stirred and mind challenged, and as is true to Scripture, those who seek the Lord and answers to the mysteries of his kingdom volition not be disappointed (Jeremiah 29:13, Deuteronomy iv:29, Luke xi:nine).

While Jesus may take gently admonished Nicodemus, a instructor of the constabulary, for his initial ignorance, request, "are you the teacher of Israel and practise non understand these things?"(John 3:9), he nevertheless guided him to understanding with a reference to Old Testament narrative that pointed to his eventual sacrifice.

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even and then must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that whoever believes will in Him take eternal life."(John iii:14-15)

The conversation betwixt Jesus and Nicodemus clearly planted the seed for Nicodemus' ain spiritual transformation.

Some take noted that Nicodemus came to Jesus discretely and past nighttime. It is possible that he didn't want others to know of this meeting, least of all the Pharisees, and that he may take tried to keep his emerging religion subconscious from the world out of fright of public scrutiny. That would shortly alter.

Nicodemus after would publicly defend Jesus when the Pharisees questioned whether or not to seize Jesus (John 7:51). And even later on Jesus' decease, Nicodemus was seen, forth with Joseph of Arimathea, bringing myrrh and spices to the tomb of Jesus later on he had been crucified (John 19:39).

As Matthew Henry writes, "though now he came by nighttime, afterward he endemic Christ publicly."

backview of man with arms outstretched in praise in golden sunrise

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/BrianAJackson

Why Does the Bible Address Being Born Once more?

Jesus spoke of existence "born again" to explain what must happen in the heart, mind, and soul of the believer who is transformed by the grace and forgiveness of God. Birth is the beginning of all life, and to be born of the Spirit, one must offset at the human foot of the cross.

John the Baptist heralded Jesus every bit the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John ane:29), and equally Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed abroad; behold, new things have come up." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Our sometime, sinful life died with Christ. New life is born of His resurrection. As Matthew Henry writes, to be born again, "we must accept a new nature, new principles, new affections, new aims."

Reborn in Christ, everything must suit to His image and will. In Him, we are given fresh eyes, fresh motivations, a fresh center, and a fresh kickoff.

Nicodemus discovered something about the mysteries of God and pregnant of salvation in his conversation with Jesus. Not long after Jesus talked of beingness born again, he delivered one of the near famous passages of Scripture, one which encapsulated the entirety of the Gospel.

"For God so loved the globe, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life."(John 3:16)

The spiritual rebirth and new life offered through the grace of Jesus Christ is more than just a quick prepare to an earthly sickness. It is a spiritual cure that allows u.s. to experience and savor a spiritual eternity with Christ. The Pharisees had sadly fallen into the trap of legalism, and in doing so, missed the eye of God in Christ.

Thankfully, Nicodemus' seeking centre overcame his earthly grooming and the narrow-mindedness of his spiritual colleagues.

As it says in Jeremiah, "y ou will seek me and detect me when you seek me with all your eye"(Jeremiah 29:13); and Nicodemus did indeed detect Him. It seems that the all-time way to empathise what it means to be "born over again" is to experience information technology for oneself, and that is certainly proven in the life and transformation of Nicodemus.

headshot of author Joel Ryan Joel Ryan is an LA-based children's and immature developed writer who teaches writing and communications at Life Pacific University . As a quondam youth pastor, he has a middle for teens and young adults and is passionate nearly engaging youth through film, literature, and theater. His blog, Perspectives Off the Folio , discusses the creative and spiritual life through story and art.

Photograph Credit: ©GettyImages/TinnakornJorruang


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